
4 Things To Check For When Getting Bids To Remove Trees From Your Property

26 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a few unsafe trees that you need to have removed from your property before winter hits, a tree professional is the safest way to get rid of those trees. Here are a few things you need to look for when comparing bids from tree removal companies in your area. #1 Proof Of Insurance The first thing you need to ask for when you get a bid from a tree company is proof of liability insurance. Read More …

Four Ways To Avoid Damaging Your Tree During Trimming

23 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Done the right way, trimming your tree can enhance its growth, maintain its shape, and even help prevent disease. The problem is, a lot of homeowners make mistakes when trimming their tree that ends up doing more harm than good in the long term. If you're planning to trim your trees this year, be sure to follow these tips so you don't accidentally damage the tree: Trim the tree in late fall or early winter. Read More …

3 Signs Your Underground Sprinklers Are Affected By Tree Roots

23 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you initially have a professional install your sprinkler system, the contractor will ensure that the water lines and sprinkler heads are far enough away from tree roots that you don't have any problems. However, over time, the tree roots beneath the ground can have a major impact on the sprinkler system and even cause some components to fail altogether. There are several ways that tree roots can cause problems, but the faster you can spot trouble the better off you will be. Read More …

Beyond Negotiations – Other Tips For Affordable Tree Removal Services

20 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

DIY tree removal is dangerous, but some people choose to go down that route because they think it's expensive to hire a professional tree removal company. Instead of trying to handle such a dangerous job on your own, it's best to look for ways of getting a cheaper service. Apart from the time-tested tip of negotiating or asking for a discount, here are other tips you can use to reduce the cost of removing trees from your property: Read More …

3 Diseases That Affect Japanese Maple Trees

20 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Landscaping is an important part of your home's curb appeal and value. Shrubs, flower beds, and a lush, green lawn are key elements to a great landscape design, but beautiful and healthy trees are also beneficial. The Japanese Maple tree is one of the most appealing trees you can implement into your landscape design. Not only does it add bold color and texture to your yard, but it also will stand the test of time for many years to come if properly maintained. Read More …